Groups & Workshops For Teen Girls
- A DBT Integrative Skills Group -
Price: $50 per class - All materials included
Seats are limited to 6 per group so that everyone feels heard and everyone has an equal voice.
700 Old Roswell Lakes Parkway
Suite 130
Roswell, GA 30076
Is your teen currently seeing a therapist, or considering therapy? Many people know about individual therapy, but have never heard about group therapy before. Group therapy brings people together who struggle with similar issues, like depression, anxiety, emotion regulation, or eating disorders, for example. It is a space for participants to connect and support one another, while learning beneficial skills from an experienced therapist. Group therapy is an option that teens in particular should consider. It can be exponentially more effective for teens than just individual therapy; here’s why…
The therapist can observe how teens interact with others —
Group therapy is an entirely different experience. Simply by being in an environment with others, the therapist can see how the teens interact with their peers. Individual therapy is one-on-one; the therapist isn’t able to see these social problems in action during individual therapy. Perhaps a teen becomes extremely shy in a group, or develops conflicts easily while interacting with others. A group setting allows the therapist to catch a teen’s social difficulties in the moment that they happen, and help the teen in real life situations.It helps improve teens’ interpersonal skills —
Think of group therapy as a safe space for teens to practice their social skills and work through social obstacles. In group, they have the opportunity to voice their opinions, work on their ability to listen, and engage in conversation with their peers. Teens can test out the interpersonal effectiveness skills that they learn from the therapist, without the fear of being judged. Over time, they can boost their social confidence, as well as their communication skills.Teens benefit from connection and support —
Group isn’t just a place to learn skills and strategies—it’s also a place to connect with and support others. Group members can relate to each other’s experiences and offer guidance. It’s possible that another group member went through a similar experience; he or she can empathize with the person and offer first-hand, truly beneficial advice. Participants motivate each other to reach their goals and celebrate victories, no matter how small. It’s a positive environment where teens rely on each other for encouragement.
This group is designed to help tweens and teens girls to become all they are meant to be through an educational and experiential approach to improving decision-making, developing coping resources, managing stress, and increasing self-esteem. Participants will learn coping strategies in a safe and supportive environment to help build a skill set to better manage the everyday challenges of being a teenager.
If your teen is struggling with social or emotional issues, you should think about enrolling your child in group therapy. Group is an effective and beneficial option for many teens. Group members often leave group therapy with increased confidence and improved communication skills. Most importantly, they’re grateful to have a welcoming environment to express themselves.
Increase ability to make safe and healthy choices.
Increase self-esteem and self- confidence
Learn to know and accept oneself
Develop skills to combat peer pressure and cyber-bullying.
Gain mastery of effective coping strategies to address negative feelings.
Tolerating the distress of school and day-to-day life.
Improve emotional regulation and reduce stress
Appropriately manage intense emotions
Learn how to handle symptoms of anxiety and depression
Abstain from self-harm or self-destructive behaviors
Reduce impulsivity and reactivity
Communicate effectively to improve relationships and create effective assertiveness
An educational and experiential approach as well as an opportunity for individuals to share their experiences in a collaborative environment utilizing concepts from the following therapeutic modalities.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy - emotional regulation, mindfulness, intrapersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance skills for managing stress.
Positive Psychology - cultivating personal strengths, self-confidence, increasing awareness of self and others, and improving mood
Expressive Art Therapy and Journaling - Understanding and expression of feelings, and development of self awareness, self-esteem and confidence
Self-Care Techniques - Learning to manage peer pressures with an emphasis on social media concerns.
Social Skills - Connection and sharing in an environment that is constructive and supportive
We all need skills to cope with challenges and to find our way through inevitable difficult times. Dialectical Behavior Therapy includes 5 categories of skills. Contemporary research provides evidence that these skills can help us improve our lives; they enable us to create more of the lives we want.
Group participants are introduced to specific DBT skills including Mindfulness, Middle Path, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness. Participants can join anytime.
Mindfulness Skills: These skills help us to be aware in the present moment to what is going on inside and outside of us. Mindfulness helps us increase awareness, attention, and control over our thoughts and behaviors.
Distress Tolerance Skills: When we feel overwhelmed with distress, what can we do to tolerate the pain until things shift (and they always do shift)? Distress Tolerance Skills help us get through difficult situations without making the problem worse.
Emotion Regulation Skills: What can we do to identify and gain more control over our emotions? Emotions serve important purposes; these skills help us regulate our intense emotions. Another way to say this is “these skills help us bring more balance to the big ups and downs of our feeling world.”
Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills: What skills do we need to build growth-fostering relationships? These skills are the ones we need to ask for and get what we want. They also provide us with the tools to say “no” effectively.
Walking the Middle Path: Middle Path Skills help us to move beyond “either/or” thinking to “and/also” thinking. Middle Path Skills help us find common ground and take actions that are effective.
All New Clients are required to complete a Free 15 Min Parent Phone Screening and a 30 Min Face-to-Face New Client Intake Session before they are eligible to join the group, there is a fee of $75. By completing these steps, it helps prepare your teen for what to expect, teach them the basics of DBT, and make sure they will be a good fit for this group.
Group participants are not required, but encouraged to have their own individual therapist. If your daughter is not currently attending individual therapy and wishes to do so, you can email me at alison@kellycounselingandcoaching.com for a list of individual therapists in the area who work well with tween and teen girls.
Wondering if a DBT skills group is the right fit for your teen?
Does your teen sometimes feel "bad" or "upset" without knowing why?
Does your teen seem as though they are on an emotional roller coaster, with little control over extreme emotions?
Do your teen's emotions often get the best of them, leading them to do something they later regret?
Does your teen tend to judge him/herself or make statements about disliking him/herself?
Does your teen tend to dwell on the negative?
Does your teen try to avoid feelings by shutting down?
Does your teen engage in self-destructive behaviors (like self-harm)?
Does your teen tend to ignore their own needs or happiness, but focus on making others happy?
Do they tend to struggle socially - becoming friends with others who don't treat them fairly, or having very intense relationships quickly?
Do they feel alone and/or misunderstood?
Do they tend to worry excessively?
Do they tend to struggle with standing up for themselves and being assertive?
Do they seem anxious, either caused by a specific trigger or for seemingly no reason?
Are they struggling with communication with family, peers, teachers?
Do they feel hopeless or unsure of whether things can improve?
If you answered YES to at least 3 of these questions, a DBT skills group might be a great way to support your teen. Fill out the form below and I will contact you to schedule a phone call to explore the next best steps.
Want more information on what DBT is? Click Here
Fill out the form below for more information or to register you teen
*Please note: This form is NOT encrypted or secure. Refrain from sending any personal or confidential information via this form.
frequently asked questions
What is an intake session?
After you request to join this group, we will schedule an intake session with you and your teen in order to discuss the group’s purpose and guidelines, discuss your teen’s needs and goals, and answer any questions you might have. This is also the time to complete necessary paperwork. The main purpose of this appointment is to help determine whether the group is a good fit for your teen’s needs. It will take 50-60 minutes, and there is a fee of $100 for this session.
Who is Teen Girls Therapy Group not for?
If your teen is violent, engaging in risky or problem sexual behaviors, or actively abusing drugs or alcohol, they may not be appropriate from group therapy. Group needs to feel safe for all members and if your teen is struggling with one of these issues, they may need specialized treatment or individual counseling to work on some of these concerns before considering joining a group therapy.
What will members get from this group?
Learn to love themselves as they are as they learn how to practice self-compassion and self-forgiveness. Combat negative thinking by examining their thoughts and offering/accepting peer feedback. Create healthy connections with others who get their experience because they're going through the same journey together.
When can my teen start?
This group is ongoing. If we decide the group is a good fit for your daughter, she can join at anytime.
How long do sessions last?
Groups are held for 90 minutes (5:00-6:30pm). This is an ongoing, open group meaning there are no set number of sessions required to complete this program. A 3-month commitment is recommended to get started (approximately 12 sessions), though is not required. Most girls tend to stay in these type of groups 1-2 years on average.
How many people will be in the group?
Groups will be capped at 8 girls though the number of girls actively enrolled may change at any time.
Will meetings be confidential?
Absolutely, each participants privacy and confidentiality is very seriously! All members of group will sign a contract agreeing to uphold confidentiality at all times.
One exception is that I am a *Mandated Reporter. This means that if you want to hurt yourself, you want to hurt someone else, or someone is hurting you or someone else I will have to let the appropriate people know in order to help keep everyone safe.
What are the payment options?
The group fee is $50 per session. Payment can be made in cash or credit card. Members are required to have a credit card authorization on file to be billed weekly as requested or to pay for missed sessions.
Can I use my insurance?
Unfortunately, insurance does not usually pay for psycho-educational groups, which are different than therapy groups.
Is there a workbook?
Each participant will receive a binder and handouts in each class for information presented, group activities, and worksheets. I ask teens to leave their binders in the group room and just take worksheets with them, since teens tend to forget to bring their binders each week. They can bring the binders home, however, if you agree to help remind them to bring back to group.
Are there any rules I should be aware of?
Participants will receive written group guidelines in the intake session for them and parents to sign. Rules will include a no-weapons and substance-free policy, cell phones turned off and put away, arriving on time and staying for the entire group time, respecting other participants and group leader, and participation in group activities. No one is forced to share, but being engaged is important for group cohesiveness.
Does your tween experience moments of distress that sometimes is seemingly caused by small things? Maybe her emotional distress is leading to self-sabotaging behaviors? Modern teen-hood for girls is a very difficult time in life, one that needs a different tool set than we are used to. The rise in peer pressure, competitive conflicts, and unhealthy social media messages are all likely contributors to a national increase in anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem in girls.
This group is designed to help teen girls to become all they are meant to be through an educational and experiential approach to improving decision-making, developing coping resources, managing stress, and increasing self-esteem. Participants will learn coping strategies in a safe and supportive environment to help build a skill set to better manage the everyday challenges of being a teenager.
Regulate Emotions
Decrease Stress
Improve FriendshipS
Manage Anxiety
Increase Self-Confidence
Increase ability to make safe and healthy choices.
Increase self-esteem, self- confidence, and the ability to know and accept oneself, be assertive, and overcome a variety of difficult situations
Improve emotional regulation and reduce stress
Gain mastery of effective coping strategies to address negative feelings.
Address problems associated with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, peer issues, and other problems.
Tolerating the distress of school and day-to-day life.
An educational and experiential approach as well as an opportunity for individuals to share their experiences in a collaborative environment utilizing concepts from the following therapeutic modalities.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy - emotional regulation, mindfulness, intrapersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance skills for managing stress.
Positive Psychology - cultivating personal strengths, self-confidence, increasing awareness of self and others, and improving mood
Expressive Art Therapy and Journaling - Understanding and expression of feelings, and development of self awareness, self-esteem and confidence
Self-Care Techniques - Learning to manage peer pressures with an emphasis on social media concerns.
Social Skills - Connection and sharing in an environment that is constructive and supportive
Wondering if a DBT skills group is the right fit for your teen?
Does your teen sometimes feel "bad" or "upset" without knowing why?
Does your teen seem as though they are on an emotional roller coaster, with little control over extreme emotions?
Do your teen's emotions often get the best of them, leading them to do something they later regret?
Does your teen tend to judge him/herself or make statements about disliking him/herself?
Does your teen tend to dwell on the negative?
Does your teen try to avoid feelings by shutting down?
Does your teen engage in self-destructive behaviors (like self-harm)?
Does your teen tend to ignore their own needs or happiness, but focus on making others happy?
Do they tend to struggle socially - becoming friends with others who don't treat them fairly, or having very intense relationships quickly?
Do they feel alone and/or misunderstood?
Do they tend to worry excessively?
Do they tend to struggle with standing up for themselves and being assertive?
Do they seem anxious, either caused by a specific trigger or for seemingly no reason?
Are they struggling with communication with family, peers, teachers?
Do they feel hopeless or unsure of whether things can improve?
If you answered YES to at least 3 of these questions, a COPING SKILLS group might be a great way to support your teen. Fill out the form below and I will contact you to schedule a phone call to explore the next best steps.
Fill out form below for more information or to apply for a space in the group
*Please note: This form is NOT encrypted or secure. Refrain from sending any personal or confidential information via this form.
Price: $100 per class - All materials included
Seats are limited to 6 per group so that everyone feels heard and everyone has an equal voice.
700 Old Roswell Lakes Parkway
Suite 130
Roswell, GA 30076
Have you ever wondered if it was possible to get teen girls excited about exercise and eating healthier? This group provides a unique opportunity for high school girls to learn and develop healthy habits. An individualized approach is taken within a group setting to help teenage girls make the connection between their current lifestyle habits and their energy levels, mental wellbeing, self-confidence, physical fitness, school performance, weight management and general health. In addition, some girls experience social stress or emotional ups and downs. The group will teach teen girls to make the connection between the way they feel and their daily lifestyle choices by creating an encouraging environment that inspires them to learn that HEALTH AND FITNESS CAN BE FUN!
Each group will focus on the physical and mental aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. Fitness activities can include: yoga, group weight training, resistance bands, fitness balls, core workout, and other fun exercises.
Group discussions will address basic nutrition including attitudes towards healthy eating along with other topics of interest. Participants will come away from the group learning valuable skills and how to apply them effectively in their daily lives; making a positive impact on their social, emotional, and academic success!
Group curriculum goals include:
Teach nutrition, fitness and health information to teen girls enabling them to make informed lifestyle decisions
Encourage trying new fitness activities to help them grow in self-confidence and self-esteem
Inspire healthy eating habits
Examine habits through journaling and other activities including expressive art therapy
Focus on self-improvement and celebration of individual differences
Provide a ‘safe’ environment for self-expression through discussion of topics and issues important to young women
Create an accepting, non-competitive atmosphere
Increase self-esteem, self- confidence, and the ability to know and accept oneself
Learn to be assertive and overcome a variety of difficult situations.
Gain mastery of effective coping strategies to address negative feelings.
Discover coping skills to better tolerate the distress of school and day-to-day life
Help each girl meet her personal health and fitness goals!
for more information on the healthy lifestyle group for teen girls:
Once a month on Thursdays from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Check The Events Calendar For Dates
Price: $50 per class - All materials included
700 Old Roswell Lakes Parkway
Suite 130
Roswell, GA 30076
For More information or to register, please contact Alison Kelly at 404-386-6130 or email alison@kellycounselingandcoaching.com
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens
(MBSR-T) program will help teens learn simple yet effective mindfulness practices to reduce stress and worry by bringing awareness to thoughts and feelings. When inspiring awareness through mindfulness, everything changes. Instead of reacting mindlessly we respond mind-fully. Instead of revolting with aggression, we evolve to discern behavior and to choose nonviolence. Instead of feeling disconnected or helpless, we find everything we do reflects the connection of our personal lives to all others. Practicing mindfulness strengthens one's ability to pay attention, and to become more aware of the consequences for one's feelings and behaviors.
Adolescence can be a difficult time for teens for a vast array of reasons; yet there is often a commonality in the challenges they face that may be viewed through the lens of mindfulness. Teens can have difficulties in some key areas: perceptions and appraisals of stress, emotion-regulation, meta-cognitions, feelings of being out of or lacking control, attachment or pushing away pain and suffering and attention and focus. The MBSR-T program has the potential to shift and improve these areas in a teen’s life and as a natural outcome improve one’s quality of living.
Benefits of Mindfulness:
Bring teens into the present moment through a reduction of focus on the past or future and more attention on the here and now
Reduce: rumination, “distorted” thinking, worries, negative self-talk, and judgments
Increase: letting go, empathy, patience, being with what is, and kindness toward self and others
Focuses on the self-regulation of attention, thoughts and emotions
Mindfulness Skills Help With A Teens:
Perceptions and appraisals of stress
Feeling out of control
fill out the form below for more information or to register your teen
*Please note: This form is NOT encrypted or secure. Refrain from sending any personal or confidential information via this form.
Download the Coping Skills Workbook For Teens and help your teen get a head start for setting them up for success with practical tools for decreasing their stress level, increasing their self-confidence, and building self-esteem!
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